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How to pronounce vine:

Definition of vine:

vine (noun):
the stem of such a plant
a plant with a weak stem that derives support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface.
a plant whose stem requires support and which climbs by tendrils or twining or creeps along the ground

Synonyms for vine:

actinidia arguta
actinidia chinensis
actinidia deliciosa
actinidia polygama
adlumia fungosa
allegheny vine
american bittersweet
american ivy
amphicarpa bracteata
amphicarpaea bracteata
apios americana
apios tuberosa
araujia sericofera
aristolochia clematitis
asparagus asparagoides
australian pea
barbados gooseberry
barbados-gooseberry vine
beaumontia grandiflora
bignonia capreolata
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Antonyms for vine:

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Syllable Fun Fact
Syllable stress is a form of emphasis within a word where one syllable is pronounced more forcefully or with a higher pitch.

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