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How to pronounce fern:

Definition of fern:

fern (noun):
any of an order (filicales) of homosporous plants possessing roots, stems, and leaflike fronds compare seed fern
any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward; reproduce by spores.
any of a division (filicophyta) or class (filicopsida) of flowerless spore-producing vascular plants having alternating sporophyte and gametophyte generations

Synonyms for fern:

acrostichum aureum
adder's tongue
adder's tongue fern
aglaomorpha meyeniana
anemia adiantifolia
annual fern
anogramma leptophylla
aquatic fern
asplenium ceterach
asplenium nidus
asplenium nigripes
asplenium scolopendrium
athyrium filix-femina
athyrium pycnocarpon
athyrium thelypteroides
bamboo fern
basket fern
bead fern
bear's-paw fern
beech fern
bird's nest fern
bladder fern
boulder fern
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