How to pronounce yrla:
Here are some other common 2-syllable words.
- oblong
- mushrooms
- feeding
- Cristian
- bouquets
- tiara
- squealed
- dampen
- blurted
- yasmin
- splurge
- Meagan
- luster
- Jamil
- giants
- genghis
- anchor
- zombie
- whoever
- triumph
- rocked
- pallor
- ladle
- flippant
- tierra
- milked
- Leni
- Ellen
- Eimear
- sleeper
- kindred
- degrade
- Rafael
- postcode
- kinder
- envoy
- depart
- Astrid
- aki
- insist
- couldnt
- farcing
- recoiled
- peevish
- nostril
- hamster
- Raina
- panted
- Dietrich
- yoga
- … more
Syllable Fun Fact
The number of syllables in a word can affect its meaning, a phenomenon known as minimal pairs in phonology.
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