How to pronounce Sevyn:
Here are some other common 2-syllable words.
- Renea
- petals
- navy's
- jerry
- JellO
- Gerald
- furry
- sally
- prefix
- cheers
- stronger
- ranger
- Raghu
- Nicole
- hanger
- expense
- willow
- temple
- spitting
- protein
- Marie
- Karen
- ferrule
- carry
- Aayan
- threadlet
- stated
- Sewell
- relief
- Ortiz
- Momos
- mayo
- Godspeed
- Dior
- tender
- minion
- granny
- exchange
- abet
- warning
- Suzanne
- nova
- linnet
- iris
- hippie
- busker
- babbling
- marques
- hollow
- costume
- … more
Syllable Fun Fact
The word 'syllable' originates from the Latin 'syllaba', which comes from the Greek 'syllabe', meaning 'a taking together'.
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