How to pronounce Salbatore:
Here are some other common 3-syllable words.
- nitpicky
- naughtiest
- involving
- hemorrhoid
- egestion
- patrolling
- mythical
- murderer
- joyously
- inventive
- fulfillment
- fainthearted
- displeasure
- bookkeeping
- antoinette
- untoward
- extinguished
- enkindled
- consorting
- Ronaldo
- peregrine
- misbehaved
- meaningless
- laissez-faire
- illustrate
- good-looking
- experienced
- exodus
- blissfully
- amputate
- acrophobe
- malpractice
- exigent
- dietary
- commuter
- alumnus
- sediment
- reservoir
- remarry
- overawed
- idealise
- groveling
- extricate
- enrapture
- endanger
- discolor
- ciseler
- angerly
- surety
- preparing
- … more
Syllable Fun Fact
Syllable stress in English can be unpredictable, leading to common mispronunciations for non-native speakers, especially in polysyllabic words.
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