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How to pronounce opossum:

Definition of opossum:

opossum (noun):
small furry Australian arboreal marsupials having long usually prehensile tails.
any of a family (didelphidae) of small- to medium-sized american marsupials that usually have a pointed snout and nearly hairless scaly prehensile tail, are typically active at night, and are sometimes hunted for their fur or meat
a common omnivorous largely nocturnal mammal (didelphis virginiana) of north and central america that is a skilled climber, that typically has a white face and grayish body and in the female a well-developed fur-lined pouch, and that when threatened may feign death by curling up the body and remaining motionless and unresponsive

Synonyms for opossum:

brush-tailed phalanger
family phalangeridae
flying opossum
flying phalanger
flying squirrel
kangaroo bear
koala bear
native bear
phascolarctos cinereus
pouched mammal
trichosurus vulpecula
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