nineteen seventy
How to pronounce nineteen seventy:
Here are some other common 6-syllable words.
- oleomargarine
- advisability
- plenipotentiary
- ratiocination
- conversationalist
- extraordinary
- sympathetically
- maher-shalal-hash-baz
- prestidigitation
- generalization
- unimaginative
- idiotically
- uncommunicative
- unimaginable
- professionally
- samhainophobia
- involuntarily
- desirability
- hyper-emotional
- horizontality
- atelophobia
- anticipatingly
- cinematography
- biodiversity
- gastroenterologist
- immunoglobulin
- situationally
- municipality
- collectibility
- expandability
- agreeability
- responsibilities
- congregationalist
- acclimatization
- microbiology
- imperialism
- unconditionally
- chronologically
- echinodermata
- unalienable
- amelioration
- metallophobia
- inconsequential
- temperamentally
- macroeconomics
- availability
- italicization
- characterisation
- decontextualize
- euneirophrenia
- … more
Syllable Fun Fact
In non-linear phonology, the syllable is seen not as a linear sequence but as a hierarchical structure of constituents.
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