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How to pronounce mahogany:

Definition of mahogany:

mahogany (noun):
wood of any of various mahogany trees; much used for cabinetwork and furniture.
the wood of any of various chiefly tropical trees (family meliaceae, the mahogany family)
a wood similar to mahogany from a congeneric tropical american tree (especially s. macrophylla)
the durable yellowish-brown to reddish-brown usually moderately hard and heavy wood of a west indian tree (swietenia mahagoni) that is widely used for cabinetwork and fine finish work

Synonyms for mahogany:

burnt sienna
cigar-box cedar
mahogany tree
philippine mahogany
reddish brown
venetian red
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Syllable Fun Fact
Words like 'Wednesday' and 'February' often have their middle syllables reduced or dropped in casual speech, showing syllable elision.

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