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How to pronounce juniper:

Definition of juniper:

juniper (noun):
coniferous shrub or small tree with berrylike cones.
any of numerous shrubs or trees (genus juniperus) of the cypress family with leaves resembling needles or scales and female cones usually resembling berries

Synonyms for juniper:

common juniper
creeping juniper
drooping juniper
dwarf juniper
genista raetam
genus juniperus
ground cedar
juniper berry
juniper bush
juniperus communis
juniperus flaccida
juniperus horizontalis
juniperus sabina
juniperus silicicola
mexican juniper
pencil cedar
pencil cedar tree
retama raetam
southern red cedar
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Syllable Fun Fact
In some languages, syllable structure is highly restricted, allowing only a small set of consonant and vowel combinations.

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