Divide incorrigible into syllables:
in · cor · ri · gi · ble
How to pronounce incorrigible:
Synonyms for incorrigible:
irremediableirreparabledisobedientunmanageableinveterateincurablehopelesshardenedirredeemableirretrievableShow 2 more
Antonyms for incorrigible:
catchysavableretrievablescarcechangeablechanceobedientintermittentnicerestorableShow 15 more
Other 5-syllable words like incorrigible
Here are some other common words that have 5 syllables, like incorrigible does.
- pentasyllabic
- imagination
- unnoticeably
- bicentenary
- exorbitantly
- affability
- extemporary
- piscatorial
- washateria
- paradisiacal
- Cassivellaunus
- communicative
- cicatrization
- solidarity
- instrumentalist
- undeviating
- assiduity
- audiologist
- clarification
- acknowledgeable
- elimination
- individual's
- cardigan jacket
- undeservedly
- quasi-permanent
- … more
Syllable Quiz
How many syllables in the word digger?
Question 1 of 5
Syllable Fun Fact
In certain poetic forms, like the sonnet, syllable count per line is strictly regulated to achieve a specific rhythmic effect.
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