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How to pronounce hibiscus:

Definition of hibiscus:

hibiscus (noun):
noun. any plant of the genus Hibiscus.
any of a large genus (hibiscus) of herbs, shrubs, or small trees of the mallow family with large showy flowers and usually dentate leaves

Synonyms for hibiscus:

bimli hemp
black-eyed susan
bladder ketmia
blue mahoe
bombay hemp
china rose
chinese hibiscus
common rose mallow
confederate rose
confederate rose mallow
cotton rose
cuban bast
deccan hemp
genus hibiscus
hibiscus cannabinus
hibiscus elatus
hibiscus heterophyllus
hibiscus moscheutos
hibiscus mutabilis
hibiscus rosa-sinensis
hibiscus sabdariffa
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Syllable Fun Fact
The 'magic e' rule in English shows how adding an 'e' at the end of words can change a vowel's sound and sometimes alter syllable structure.

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