How to pronounce heterocious:
Here are some other common 5-syllable words.
- Poetry4Neanderthals
- monosyllable
- polyplegia
- diphenhydramine
- monotheistic
- primitivity
- fire-extinguisher
- afforestation
- computational
- metamorphosis
- informidable
- delicatessen
- federalism
- expeditious
- cumulonimbus
- unavailable
- unaccountable
- penitentiary
- hypothetical
- modification
- anthropology
- understandingly
- Mediterranean
- necessarily
- polynomial
- melodically
- coeducational
- irresolvable
- considerably
- cornucopia
- procrastinated
- overshadowing
- surrealism
- risibility
- liberalism
- incorruptible
- barbarically
- vivaciously
- precariously
- mendaciousness
- civilization
- toxiphobia
- mathematician
- unmistakably
- circumnavigate
- unrelentingly
- disappointingly
- exploratory
- monetarily
- overconfidence
- … more
Syllable Fun Fact
In most languages, the number of syllables in a word is directly related to its time duration when spoken.
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