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How to pronounce helianthus:

Definition of helianthus:

helianthus (noun):
noun. any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays.
a genus of tall erect or sometimes much-branched american annual or perennial herbs (family compositae) comprising the sunflowers and having flower heads with purple or yellow disk flowers and showy yellow sterile rays see jerusalem artichoke

Synonyms for helianthus:

common sunflower
genus helianthus
giant sunflower
helianthus angustifolius
helianthus annuus
helianthus giganteus
helianthus laetiflorus
helianthus maximilianii
helianthus petiolaris
helianthus tuberosus
indian potato
jerusalem artichoke
jerusalem artichoke sunflower
maximilian's sunflower
prairie sunflower
showy sunflower
tall sunflower
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Syllable Fun Fact
Flapping, a feature of American English, affects the pronunciation of 't' and 'd' between vowels, influencing syllable clarity and perception.

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