How to pronounce gali:
Here are some other common 2-syllable words.
- cleaner
- breezy
- beneath
- truly
- taxi
- sunlight
- retreat
- naive
- genuine
- enlure
- either
- coffin
- blizzard
- Uzi
- traitor
- growing
- diva
- Chanel
- assist
- supply
- shocked
- receive
- obey
- mature
- Martin
- decay
- cheddar
- stir-fry
- Stella
- Satan
- rephaim
- release
- Lola
- fatty
- county's
- chevy
- camel
- brownie
- otter
- noble
- nana
- Liza
- delay
- decayed
- collar
- closely
- chasing
- bedroom
- bandit
- athlete
- … more
Syllable Fun Fact
Words like 'squirrelled' can have different syllable counts depending on the speaker's accent, highlighting English's dialectal diversity.
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