forty four hundred
How to pronounce forty four hundred:
Here are some other common 5-syllable words.
- exasperating
- corroborator
- gullibility
- emancipation
- specifically
- mythological
- inextricable
- similarity
- chronological
- advantageously
- unresilient
- emaciated
- un-coincidental
- extravagantly
- disobedience
- eloquently
- retrocognitive
- multiplicative
- irregularly
- atrociously
- considerately
- antagonism
- technological
- shilly-shallying
- magnanimity
- innovatively
- concatenation
- nonconformity
- misinformation
- ejaculation
- calamitously
- repetitiveness
- adjudication
- interchangeably
- sarcastically
- unremittingly
- ophthalmalgia
- anthropomorphic
- accentuating
- unsatisfying
- pulmonologist
- overprovided
- enunciated
- inescapably
- hallucinations
- assassination
- unescapable
- uncontrollable
- repetitious
- quintessentially
- … more
Syllable Fun Fact
Syllable stress in English can be unpredictable, leading to common mispronunciations for non-native speakers, especially in polysyllabic words.
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