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How to pronounce epilepsy:

Definition of epilepsy:

epilepsy (noun):
a disorder of the central nervous system characterized by loss of consciousness and convulsions.
any of various disorders marked by abnormal electrical discharges in the brain and typically manifested by sudden brief episodes of altered or diminished consciousness, involuntary movements, or convulsions

Synonyms for epilepsy:

akinetic epilepsy
brain disease
brain disorder
cortical epilepsy
epilepsia major
epilepsia minor
epileptic seizure
focal epilepsy
generalized epilepsy
grand mal
grand mal epilepsy
lafora's disease
myoclonus epilepsy
petit mal
petit mal epilepsy
posttraumatic epilepsy
psychomotor epilepsy
reflex epilepsy
status epilepticus
temporal lobe epilepsy
tonic epilepsy
traumatic epilepsy

Antonyms for epilepsy:

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Syllable Fun Fact
Tone languages, such as Mandarin Chinese, use syllable pitch to distinguish word meaning, making syllables even more critical.

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