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How to pronounce aster:

Definition of aster:

aster (noun):
any of various chiefly fall-blooming herbs of the genus Aster with showy daisylike flowers.

Synonyms for aster:

annual salt-marsh aster
aromatic aster
arrow leaved aster
aster acuminatus
aster arenosus
aster dumosus
aster ericoides
aster falcatus
aster linarifolius
aster linosyris
aster novae-angliae
aster novi-belgii
aster ptarmicoides
aster shortii
aster tripolium
aster turbinellis
azure aster
bog aster
bushy aster
calico aster
crooked-stemmed aster
eastern silvery aster
flat-topped white aster
genus aster
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Syllable Fun Fact
The English language exhibits a phenomenon called 'schwa deletion', where unstressed syllables are often pronounced as a quick, neutral vowel sound or omitted.

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