How to pronounce Asha:
Here are some other common 2-syllable words.
- putted
- permeate
- glimmer
- beset
- valleys
- tantrums
- prattling
- dharma
- encaged
- Myra
- discard
- bookshelves
- given
- dual
- quaver
- khaki
- branded
- beaker
- tonners
- greyhound
- jackpot
- Ina
- camion
- as-is
- swiftest
- confine
- pawing
- jaunty
- revolt
- befriend
- retuse
- etuve
- couter
- wanting
- handbag
- pyral
- guiltless
- topper
- stockings
- person
- writhing
- ticker
- classmate's
- sobbed
- Kristin
- fortress
- respite
- spotless
- popgun
- evolved
- … more
Syllable Fun Fact
English utilizes syllable stress for emphasis in spoken language, changing the meaning of sentences through prosody.
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