How to pronounce ahchoo:
Here are some other common 2-syllable words.
- tremble
- sunburned
- nimbly
- lentil
- ogling
- knitted
- footprints
- conceived
- swerving
- ploughmen
- encroach
- weaken
- tinkling
- landmass
- guileful
- freeload
- cuerda
- constrain
- fizzled
- enchain
- tilted
- rudeness
- luring
- larva
- deletion
- clanking
- reactive
- pogy
- paeans
- molest
- fervent
- embraced
- Aoife
- undress
- sighing
- shutting
- burdened
- assent
- accuse
- sicken
- shoving
- mudding
- herald
- caresses
- wielder
- upbuild
- strongly
- starched
- reinforce
- oral
- … more
Syllable Fun Fact
English allows for a wide range of consonant clusters in syllable codas, as in 'texts' with four consonant sounds.
You, too, can become a syllable pro and wow your friends, family, and pets!