How to pronounce Abhijit:
Here are some other common 3-syllable words.
- majestic
- bridegroom
- Pallavi
- idiot
- high-pitched
- eraser
- ebony
- Roquefort
- Rodolfo
- prognosis
- melody
- Heracles
- chaparral
- Leonard
- flawlessly
- standardize
- selection
- motherland
- Malaya
- Dorothea
- anagram
- tornado
- physical
- Geraldine
- emblazoned
- Darjeeling
- statistic
- proposal
- nominal
- Noelia
- networking
- monserrat
- declutter
- convention
- vertigo
- objected
- hamartia
- Eloisa
- Jocelyn
- in clover
- Gillespie
- dishonest
- damnation
- reverent
- mala fide
- Kylian
- Isidro
- elicit
- communion
- postulate
- … more
Syllable Fun Fact
Syllables can be classified into open syllables, ending in a vowel, and closed syllables, ending in a consonant.
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